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Investment focus of mutual funds

Raiffeisenbank uses an open architecture and provides its private banking clients with funds of Raiffeisen investiční společnost, Raiffeisen Capital Management, as well as the world’s major funds.

 Basic types of mutual funds

Money market funds

The most secure, but also the least profitable funds for very conservative investors. They are suitable for a short-term investment horizon (up to one year). In addition to secure bonds, they include term deposits or treasury bills.

Mixed funds

Mixed funds are intended for rather experienced investors who want to split their investment between stocks and bonds. The typical investment horizon is 5-8 years.

Bond funds

Funds for conservative investors with an investment horizon of 3-5 years. In addition to high-quality bonds (such as government-guaranteed or issued by central banks), bond funds can also consist of stocks, however only up to 10% of the fund’s assets.

Equity funds

Funds suitable for dynamic and aggressive investors willing to accept a high risk with a view of possible return reaching even dozens of percent within the horizon of approximatly 8 years. These primarily consist of stocks, non-equity products, most frequently bonds, are represent to a small extent.

 Special types of funds

Funds of funds

Funds that are composed mainly of certificates of other mutual funds. They are suitable for different types of investors according to the structure of the partial mutual funds. The optimal investment horizon is 5 years and more.

Guaranteed funds

Funds for conservative investors allowing investments in indices that reflect the development of the world's financial markets. The funds pursue safe return on a fixed part of the investment (even 100%) while participating in the capital market. The investment horizon is usually fixed for the particular funds (varying around 5 years).


Investments and operations of mutual funds in the Czech Republic are governed by Act No. 240/2013 Coll. on investment companies and investment funds and Act No. 256/2004 Coll. on capital market business. The Czech National Bank supervises over compliance with the legislation and the particular statutes. Any mutual fund to be distributed in the territory of the Czech Republic must be authorized and registered by Czech National Bank.