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Frequently asked questions about batch payments (eKomunikátor replacement).
The eKomunikator application has been obsolete from both technical and user´s aspect. After an integration of import of payments into the new Internet banking users will benefit from an easy control without no necessity to install another application. Therefore, technical issues arising from the use of the installed application and its certificates should be reduced.
Yes, with one exception. We have terminated the service of import of payments to the post address (cash payment by postal order) in Gemini format. The reason for that was that clients did not use it anymore. The other functionalities have been simplified and transformed into the new Internet banking (import, export, payments templates, overviews, signing, etc.).
After transferring you into the new Internet banking a certificate will be cancelled. It will not be possible to send payments or accept statements from the bank anymore. The application Manual processing can be still used for preparation the batch payments in the formats ABO or Gemini that are suitable for the import. These prepared payments can be afterwards loaded into the new Internet banking. Or you can use it in order to see your statements in ABO or Gemini format, that will be downloaded from your internet banking.
Two types of fees will be charged when using this service. One of them is linked to the right to import batch payments and download statements in the specific formats such as ABO, Gemini and XML. This fee will be charged once per year. The second one is charged only for the months when the import of payments has been executed. Payments entered manually and downloading of statements in PDF will be offered for free.
It is possible to use platforms such as Windows/iOS/Android and common web browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari).
The owner(s) of the account together with the new user have to visit the branch where all access and rights of disposal will be set up.
From now on a potential limit of signing rules is checked against a total sum of a batch payment. In case the amount is higher than a set limit, it is possible to remove chosen payments. When the final amount is within a limit you can sign it as you are used to do so.
An access to this functionality is the same comparing to the other functionalities of our Internet banking. You will log in to Internet banking by using a Mobile phone electronic key or Personal electronic key. The functionality is related to the special right that has to be specifically set. In order to sign batch payments an individual right is necessary as well. Again, it can be done by using your Mobile phone or Personal electronic key.
It is not a problem. When importing the file just set a current or future maturity date. This date will be set for all files that you are going to import. In case you want to change the date manually it is possible to do it as well. Right before sending it to the bank, in a detail of a batch payment in your Internet banking, just change the date. In case you will not change the historical date of the imported file the batch payment will be executed, however, the created payment will have a status “Error”. As soon as you change the maturity date manually in your Internet banking the status will be changed to “Adjusted” and then it will be possible to sign and send the payment.
In a list of outgoing payments. There you can find the tabs: Executed, Waiting or Unsuccessful. In a tab “Executed” are payments that have been already applied to your account. In a tab “Waiting” are payments that are waiting for a future maturity date or a sufficient amount of money.
A status of payments can be viewed in a detail of a created batch payment. The payment can be sent in case it has a status “Created”. When having a status “Error” it contains some formal error. After getting into a detail of such payment make a correction or remove the whole erroneous payment. Only error free payments can be signed and sent to the bank.
Yes, however, a system will divide them into individual batch payments.
Yes, the payments will be made gradually according to its entered maturity date.
Yes. We will notify you of this fact and you can decide whether to make the import or not. In case you need to change only a maturity date it is possible to do so during the import.
This feature will be offered in some further version of the Internet banking.
The import of batch payments supports following formats:
In a “List of statements” you need to check at least one statement. After then click on the button “Export” which enables you to download the statement not only in PDF format, but also in the specific ones, such as ABO, Gemini and XML. Downloading of the specific statements used for accounting systems is possible only if you do have a specific right.
It gives you a benefit that you can prepare more payments from one account at the same time and then you can certificate them using only one code. In a section “PAYMENTS” at the upper menu click on “Batch payments” and then choose “Manual entry”. Select the account where you're transferring the money from and gradually add particular payments. When finalizing the entering of payments please check your current account balance, total sum and details of particular payments. To send the payments click on the button “Save for signature” and afterwards “Sign”. Payments will be confirmed just by one SMS code and I-PIN. Entered batch payments can be found in a simple overview.
Yes, it is. The right to enter manual batch payments and view a list of batch payments is automatically given to all clients.
Yes, you can. When entering payments into manually made batch payment it is possible to use templates. These templates can be prepared in Internet banking by saving a payment from a list of payments or history of payments. Alternatively, you can create new template individually.
Changes cannot be made in a completely signed and to the bank sent batch payment. In case some payments have not been executed yet (e.g. waiting for a maturity date) you can cancel them in the section “List of outgoing payments”.
When first log in or whenever later click on an asterisk in the field with an offer of possible files for export.
Yes, it is. In a list choose more statements and using the button “Export” you can download them as one bulk. More statements will be packed in one zip file.
Statements downloaded in a specific data format can be displayed in an accounting system. In case you don’t own the accounting ystem we highly recommend you to export statements in PDF format that can be opened in common PDF viewers.