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Frequently asked questions about loans in the new version of internet banking.
Yes, you can. To open a loan application, select “Offers and applications” (shopping cart symbol) in the top right-hand corner over the main menu. Then select “Loans&Mortgages” to display your relevant offers. The upper limit of your pre-approved credit is automatically filled in the application. Click on “Continue”. Then, enter all the necessary details such as your telephone contact number, email address, address of residence and information about your employer. Next, select the insurance you wish to set up with the loan agreement. In the “Summary” step, confirm all the entered data and, finally, certify the loan application.
Offers of pre-approved credit are also available on the main page of the Internet banking system.
You can get to the repayment record in the main menu “LOANS AND MORTGAGES”. Select in the overview the loan for which you wish to display the repayment record and click on it. The details of the selected product open up and select “List of repayments” in left-hand side menu. Here, you will be able to see an overview of the loan instalments which you have already paid.
Ano, pro otevření žádosti o úvěr zvolte vpravo nahoře "Nabídky produktů a služeb" (ikona nákupního košíku), poté "Zadání žádosti o úvěr". Do žádosti je automaticky vyplněn horní limit úvěru, který máte předschválen. Následně klikněte na "Pokračovat". Dále zadejte všechny potřebné údaje jako jsou kontaktní telefon, email, adresa bydliště či informace o vašem zaměstnavateli. Následně vyberte pojištění, které chcete ke smlouvě o úvěru uzavřít. V kroku "Shrnutí" ověřte všechny zadané údaje a nakonec žádost o úvěr certifikujte.
Nabídky předschváleného úvěru jsou k dispozici i na hlavní stránce internetového bankovnictví.
The details of overdue amounts are available in the main menu by clicking on “LOANS AND MORTGAGES”. Then, select “Overdue items” in the left-hand side menu. To display the details, click on the debt you are interested in.
You can find your in-process loan application by clicking on “Offers and applications” (shopping cart icon) in the top right-hand corner over the main menu. Choose the “My applications” left-hand menu to display the list of applications, select the draft application and finish it.
Everybody who signs an application for a loan will do so in the last step of the application. There is also attached the application or an appendix as pdf document. In order to complete the signing, you need to check a box confirming that you have read the document.
In the new Internet banking you will find all your loan contracts that has been concluded through internet banking.