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State grant covering up to 65% of the project price

Financing, grant and energy audit can be handled in one service package

The loan can finance up to 100% of the investment

Energy efficiency loan characteristics

We will lend you up to 25 million CZK or the equivalent amount in EUR, USD (higher amounts are subject to individual assessment).
The loan repayment term can be up to 15 years.

We will prepare a FREE basic analysis of your eligibility for a grant and of the amount of energy and money to be saved with the project.

The loan can be used to finance new machinery and technology, replacement of lighting, reconstruction or insulation of buildings, purchase of boilers, heat pumps or photovoltaic installations.

We will lend you up to 25 million CZK or the equivalent amount in EUR, USD (higher amounts are subject to individual assessment).

The loan repayment term can be up to 15 years.

Informative calculation

The output of a photovoltaic power plant is expressed in kWp. One kWp of installed capacity takes about 6-7 m² of roof. A 1,000 m² roof is normally fitted with 150 kWp photovoltaics. Such a power plant produces around 150 MWh of energy per year. Last year, the average price of 1MWh was about 5 thousand CZK. Thus, the power plant produces electricity for approximately 700,000 CZK a year.

Estimated annual energy savings

The cost of installing a 150 kWp power plant without a battery is around 3.4 million CZK, of which 1.2 million CZK is covered by a 35% grant. The return on investment is thus in about 5 years (without the grant). The calculation is to be considered as indicative and rather optimistic – it does not take into account the type of the roof, exposure to sun, etc.

Our branches are available throughout Czechia

Do you want to know more or are you interested in a product? Contact your banker or visit our branch, we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Our branches are available throughout Czechia