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FX conversion

Conversions can be performed via RoBoT, our electronic trading platform, or arranged with our dealer by phone
No fees
You can change the date of settlement for the whole deal or a part with Currency swap
The trade can be settled by means of an offsetting trade

Product information

One of the main advantages of FX conversion is the very fast settlement between your accounts. But it also offers additional advantages.
  • You can make currency conversions beginning at USD 1,000 via RoBoT, our electronic trading platform.
  • From USD 10,000, you can arrange currency conversions directly with our dealer by phone.
  • When settling the trade with an offsetting trade, the client only needs funds on the settlement day to cover any negative difference arising from the agreed exchange rates to the nominal value rather than the whole nominal value.

In order to arrange FX conversion with the bank, the client must conclude a Treasury Master Agreement. For transactions with deferred settlement (up to 2 business days), the client is required to maintain a limit for the trade. To set the limit, the bank can request the client’s accounting documents or collateral.

Our trader are available daily between 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on business days, our electronic trading platform RoBoT then from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.