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Your digital export credit from EUR 2 to 10 million can be so easy. With eSPEEDTRACK we offer buyer’s credits for importers and transactions from EUR 2 to 10 million covered by an Export Credit Agency – digitally, quickly and efficiently.
You are an exporter and deliver capital goods to a customer abroad who needs financing?
Support your supply offer with an eSPEEDTRACK export credit from Raiffeisenbank Czech Republic and invite your business partner to apply for a financing offer online at:
You are an importer and order from your supplier in Czech Republic?
Customer data and project details can be provided online to request your financing offer fast and easily.
STEF - Export & Structured Trade Finance at Raiffeisenbank Czech Republic
ECA - Export Credit Agency (e.g. EGAP)
Further information:
+420 234 401 438