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RB Bank Identity, or Bank iD, saves you a lot of time as it lets you communicate with authorities and private companies online. You can register, file applications or access and manage your data remotely.

It makes life easier

 Things relating to your tax returns, real estate tax, driver's license, allowances or insurance can be done anywhere and anytime, at home or on the road.

It’s simple and safe

 Your RB Key is all you need to access authorities, online shops and other online services.


It's completely free

You pay 0 CZK for the digital ID, much alike for your traditional one.


You don’t need any extra passwords to sign in, it's super easy.

Singing in to RB Bank Identity is the same as signing in to your internet banking. Don’t worry, the service is absolutely secure, provided by banks maintaining the highest level of security.

Ways to get RB Bank Identity

Your Bank iD is automatically active if you are a natural person and we have ever met at a branch office or our courier has visited you. Otherwise, you need to visit us at a branch office to let us verify your identity.

What you can do with Bank iD

Your Bank iD is good for use with both private companies and ve state authorities. RB Bank Identity helps you in situations such as the following.

Request extracts from registers

You can remotely arrange for an extract from the criminal records or Land Register. You can also get a statement of your driver’s records.

Submit your tax return electronically

Just use the MY taxes website. Also, Bank iD lets you create or deactivate your databox.

Request a new driver's license

Using the Citizen Portal, all you need to do is fill in the form, select a photo and collect your document.

Get all the information regarding your social security

Get information about your sickness allowances, nursing allowances, pension and much more.

Change your utilities supplier

You can easily change suppliers online.

Apply for allowances

You can apply for various types of allowances or child benefits using the portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

Health insurance online

Communication, contributions, insurance card replacement and much more can be done online without having to visit a branch of your health insurance company.

Mobile services

Signing in to your customer account, taking out or modifying the provider's services.

Don't want to use RB Bank Identity?

Easily turn it off in your internet banking.

Frequently asked questions