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The issue of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in many areas of life, including capital investments. Sustainable development extends far beyond environmental aspects such as reduction of CO2 emissions, waste or water and energy consumption. It also embodies social and economic aspects including an emphasis on health and safety of employees, their education or existence of independent corporate controlling bodies or strict anti-corruption policies.
Conscious investments can also support firms that try to act with responsibility towards their environment and cause others to start thinking about changing their attitude.
EUR fund suitable for value preservation-oriented investors
EUR fund suitable for yield-oriented investors
EUR fund suitable for yield and growth-oriented investors
CZK fund suitable for yield-oriented investors
All four funds, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Solide, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Mix and Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Aktien as well as Raiffeisen fond udržitelného rozvoje, are now offered free of entry and exit fees. In addition to attractive returns attainable through the investment you have the chance to support companies that care about the impact of their business from the environmental, social and economic perspective.
In addition to an opportunity for attractive returns on investments in Raiffeisen sustainability funds there are major positive impacts attainable for the investor through the investments:
• 43% less CO2 emissions,
• 14% less work-related accidents,
• 91% less waste,
• 78% less water consumed.
Valid for the following funds or fund segments: Raiffeisen-Sustainable-Equities, Raiffeisen-Sustainable-Mix Seg. Equities, Raiffeisen-Sustainable- Solid Seg. Equities; Source: Raiffeisen KAG, own calculations, data as of 30 June 2019; Calculation methodology: In order to calculate the effect of sustainable equity investments in the fund, we used the sustainability ratios of the companies found in their sustainability reporting. CO2 emissions are generally denoted in tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), work accidents in lost-time-injury-rate, waste in tons and water consumption in m3. The key ratios for the individual companies were multiplied by their weight in the fund or in the overall market, and the results of each key ratio were compared. Currently, we do not calculate such ratios for the bond segment of the funds, as we think that the “sustainable footprint” is attributable to the company owners, i.e. shareholders, not to the creditors, i.e. bond holders.
ESG is synonymous to sustainable development. The acronym is derived from the terms “environment (E)”, “social (S)” and “corporate governance (G)” and represents the relevant criteria.
First, prospective firms are screened against negative criteria. This is aimed at preventing investments in firms meeting such negative criteria. These criteria include child labour, massive violations of human rights or production of or trade in arms.
The passing titles are then subject to a detailed analysis. Every title is assigned an ESG score, serving as a form of a sustainability indicator. The ESG score must reach a certain minimum threshold, otherwise the title is excluded from the selection.
Investments that are sustainable in the long run have a positive impact. Firms held in Raiffeisen sustainable development funds show better social indicators (such as less work-related accidents) and better environmental indicators (such as reduced carbon dioxide emissions).
Information pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector can be found here.
The value of the investment and returns on it may vary and the investment can cause a capital loss. Notice to investors with a local currency different from the fund currency: Please note that returns may rise or fall as a result of fluctuating foreign exchange rates. Investments in funds are not subject to a deposit insurance scheme. The fund Raiffeisen-Nachaltigkeit-Aktien exhibits elevated volatility, meaning that unit prices can move significantly higher or lower in short periods of time, and it is not possible to rule out loss of capital. Taxation of the client’s assets always depends on the client’s personal situation and may change. Full names of funds (Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Solide, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Mix, Raiffeisen-Nachhaltigkeit-Aktien and Raiffeisen fond udržitelného rozvoje) and other information including fees and risks associated with the investment, key information documents and fund statutes are available at For more information please call 412 440 000 or go to