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Lower instalments right from the moment when interest rates start to fall again

Option to switch to a fixed rate at any time

Early redemption free of charge at any time

What is a floating rate?

The size of the floating rate of a mortgage is linked to the PRIBOR reference rate. As the reference rate changes in time, so does the mortgage rate as well.

In practice, this means that your loan is not fixed for a longer period of time as usual, but the interest rate of the mortgage changes continuously as the rates on the financial market do. 

When does the mortgage with a floating rate pay off?

When the reference interest rate PRIBOR falls, the interest rate of your mortgage is automatically reduced as well and you pay a lower instalment.

You can use the money you saved for an extra mortgage repayment to shorten the repayment period of your loan.

floating hypotéka

The graph shows that when there are low interest rates, it is more suitable to choose a fixed rate to avoid the risk of its possible fast increase.

On the contrary, when the interest rates are high, they can be assumed to be falling gradually, and that is a suitable period to select a floating rate. When such rate drops, the monthly instalment immediately falls as well.

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* Vyplněním a odesláním údajů souhlasím s tím, aby Raiffeisenbank a.s., se sídlem Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 78 Praha 4, IČO 49240901, zpracovávala mnou vyplněné údaje, a to pro účely nabídky produktů a služeb Raiffeisenbank a.s., která může být učiněna také telefonicky či e-mailem. Tento souhlas uděluji na dobu pěti let. Beru na vědomí, že poskytnutí tohoto souhlasu je dobrovolné, mohu souhlas kdykoliv písemně odvolat a že mám právo požádat Raiffeisenbank a.s. o informaci, jaké údaje o mě zpracovává, a o opravu údajů.