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The size of the floating rate of a mortgage is linked to the PRIBOR reference rate. As the reference rate changes in time, so does the mortgage rate as well.
In practice, this means that your loan is not fixed for a longer period of time as usual, but the interest rate of the mortgage changes continuously as the rates on the financial market do.
The graph shows that when there are low interest rates, it is more suitable to choose a fixed rate to avoid the risk of its possible fast increase.
On the contrary, when the interest rates are high, they can be assumed to be falling gradually, and that is a suitable period to select a floating rate. When such rate drops, the monthly instalment immediately falls as well.
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The mortgage rate consists of a reference rate (PRIBOR 1M) and a fixed deviation. In practice, this means that the rate of your mortgage will always be valid for 1 month and then it will be recalculated based on the current value of PRIBOR.
The fixed deviation remains constant over the entire period of time during which you have set a floating rate. It is set for every mortgage individually and it will be communicated to you by the mortgage advisor during an unbinding calculation.
The reference rate is a monthly PRIBOR, announced by the Czech National Bank (the valid size can be found here).
The floating rate can be agreed for dedicated as well as for not dedicated loans.
What if the situation on the financial market does not develop as I have expected it?
As the rates may drop, one cannot rule out their growth, either. Having a floating rate, one must bear in mind that the rate as well as the instalment of your mortgage may also increase. In such a case, the interest rate may be fixed at no cost for your preferred period of time to prevent its further increase. You may of course switch from a floating rate to a fixed rate also in the case of falling interest rates.
In the case of a floating rate, the interest rate will usually be lower in the long run compared with mortgages fixed for several years.
This needs to be accounted for should you wish to switch from a floating rate to a fixed rate. At a given moment, the fixed rate may possibly always be a little higher than the valid floating rate. This is the price for certainty that your rate will not change during your fixed period of time.
The floating rate can be agreed for dedicated as well as for not dedicated loans.
Be it a partial or a full redemption, an early redemption of a mortgage with a floating rate is possible at no cost and at any time.