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Convenient arrangement online

Apply for a loan online in a few minutes, you don't pay anything managing the loan

The car is yours from the start

We do not require vehicle registration certificate for the pledge

Extra repayments free of charge

You can partially or fully repay the loan at any time for free

Spočítejte si půjčku

It is much easier to pick a car once you have your loan ready

Benefits of the CarLoan

  • No advance payments and no hidden charges
    You don´t have to be worried about any unnecessary fees. Arrangement and maintenance of the loan, full or partial early repayments are free of charge with us.
  • Online loan approval in a few minutes

    You don't have to go to a branch at all. You can easily apply for a loan online and after signing the contract we will send the money to your account.  
    If you already have a current account with us, you can arrange everything online in a few minutes.   
    If you don't have a current account with us yet, you can sign the contract online by verifying it via Bank iD or in person at the branch. 

  • You can keep the certificate of roadworthiness
    We do not ask you to give us the certificate of roadworthiness as security. The CarLoan’s benefits as compared to lease purchase include also the fact that the car is yours from the outset.
  • Do you prefer low instalments or a fast redemption?
    It is only up to you how you decide. You may set a repayment period from 3 months to 10 years. You may choose which repayment day suits you the most.
  • Loan insurance will protect you and your loved ones
    Becoming unable to meet financial obligations due to incapacity for work, job loss or an accident can happen to anyone. Arrange a Loan Insurance policy, which will not let you down in adverse life situations.

Chcete vědět více? Nechte nám na sebe kontakt.

Zavoláme vám, jakmile to bude možné. Rádi vám odpovíme na všechny dotazy  a v případě zájmu s vámi rovnou sepíšeme smlouvu.

* Vyplněním a odesláním údajů souhlasím s tím, aby Raiffeisenbank a.s., se sídlem Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 78 Praha 4, IČO 49240901, zpracovávala mnou vyplněné údaje, a to pro účely nabídky produktů a služeb Raiffeisenbank a.s., která může být učiněna také telefonicky či e-mailem. Tento souhlas uděluji na dobu pěti let. Beru na vědomí, že poskytnutí tohoto souhlasu je dobrovolné, mohu souhlas kdykoliv písemně odvolat a že mám právo požádat Raiffeisenbank a.s. o informaci, jaké údaje o mě zpracovává, a o opravu údajů.

Representative example

Loan amount of CZK 100 000 for 60 months with a monthly instalment of CZK 1 869 fixed annual interest rate of 4.6% p. a., and APR of 4.7%. Total amount payable by the consumer – CZK 112 140.