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To give you a better picture of the fees and interest associated with your current account, every February we send you a statement of fees for the previous calendar month.
The statement is generated free of charge and in Czech only.
that you paid from the current account.
of paid or credited interest.
The form and structure of the statement is uniform for all banks and cannot be changed in any aspect. The obligation to send a statement of fees is imposed upon banks under Act No. 370/2017 Coll. on the system of payments, and the appearance and contents of the document are defined by Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/33.
The annual statement of fees covers all months of previous calendar year.
The statement of fees is available in your internet and mobile banking.
Click on “Documents” (folder icon in the top menu) and choose “Product” from the left menu and “Statements”.
Click on “Profile” (folder icon in the top menu), then click on “Documents”.
With us, you do not have to pay for common banking services. On the contrary, you can grow your funds efficiently.